Run or walk, but do not jog. Jogging isn’t exercise. You look like an idiot when you jog. You think you are doing something “more” than just walking. You are. You are damaging your feet, ankles, and knees for no good reason.

Human beings were not designed to jog. We were designed to walk or to run. When, in the course of evolution, would jogging have been useful? Never. You don’t jog to catch wild game. You don’t jog to avoid predators. You certainly don’t jog to attract the opposite sex.

I met a homeless guy once – in a Starbucks. A very wise man. He told me that the best exercise is to “Run one mile as hard and as fast as you can!” That was over twenty years ago, but it has stuck with me. It would be better to run one hard mile, than jog an easy three. It would be better to go all out for that one mile and see what you can really do. Try to get better every week. Your heart. Your lungs. Your legs. All will have to adapt for you to improve.

Or you could go jogging and never know what you are capable of.